Affiliated to Fakirmohan University, NAAC Accredited - 'B'
The college library named Charampa Mahavidyalaya library contains about 20 thousand volumes arranged into different sections and sub-sections. The members of the staff and the student of the college may use the library. The following library rules are notified for the guidance of all borrowers. Library is fully automated with the availability of e-library facilities.


1. The college library remains open from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm on all working days of the college.

2. No book is to be issued without entry in the library issue register.

3. Students have to show their library cards along with identity cards at the time of issue.

4. A student will be deprived of getting books if the library card is lost. A duplicate card shall be issued on payment of a fine of Rs. 20.00.

5. No student is to be issued any book, which is not concerned with his or her subjects of study except in case of general literature like novels/stories etc. in Oriya or English or in any language.

6. No student is permitted to enter the library rooms. All kinds of issue and return of books shall be conducted over the counter.

7. A borrower cannot borrow more than one copy of the same book.

8. (a) Only one book can be issued at a time to a student of +2 1st year Arts/Science and to +2 2nd year students also.
(b) 2 (Two) books can be issued at a time to a +3 1st/2nd / 3rd year student at a time.
(c) Ministerial staff can be issued 4 books at a time.

9.No further books can be issued if a borrower has not returned the books issued earlier.

10. A student can keep the book for a maximum period of 15 days. A student is liable to pay a fine of 25 paise for each day of default.

11. Magazine can be issued to students presenting their identify cards. The magazines will be returned on the same day.

12. When the date of return of book falls on authorised holidays, it should be returned to the library on the day the college opens after the holidays, failing which fine for the sole period of holiday will be realized.

13. Books in possession of borrowers should be returned to the library before one college closes for long vacation on or before the date notified for time purpose.

14. Issue and return of books will be done by the borrower himself and the librarian personally.

15. No marginal or other notes or making shall be made in the library books, nor shall any picture or page be removed or torn, or otherwise disfigured. In extreme cases, the borrower shall be asked to replace the book damaged by him and also will have to pay a fine imposed by the Principal.

16. The Principal has the right to stop the issue of the certain books to the students.

17. Books of reference, maps, course of studies and rare books will not be issued for use at home.

18. It is a very serious offence for one borrower to sign for another and borrow books in another's name.

19. A book once issued to a borrower will be re-issued to him only if nobody else wants it. Even is a borrower wants a book to be re-issued to him he must first hand it over for necessary entries.

20. Any book lost or damaged or mugged by a borrower must be replaced by him. If the book is one of a set or series and volume cannot be obtained single, the whole set or series must be replaced by the borrower. If the book is not available, the borrower has to pay an among up to a maximum of double of the catalogue or prevailing price of the book. In case where the price cannot be ascertained or the book is rare, the borrower should pay the amount fixed by the Principal.

21. The Principal may impose a fine on a student for improper use of a book or journal.

22. Books cannot be transferred from one borrower's card to another borrower.

23. The librarian is empowered to stop issue and return of book if and when he feels inconvenient.

24. No Book will be issued to an outsider without permission of the Principal.


The reading room of Charampa Mahavidyalaya Library will be kept open for the staff and the students from 10 am to 4 pm on all working day.

Magazines/journals will be issued only on production of the Identity Card.

After a magazine or Journal is issued, the Identity Card will be retained by the librarian till the same is returned. In no circumstance I will the students be allowed to take magazine put side. One magazine at a time will be issued to borrower for his use inside the reading room.