Affiliated to Fakirmohan University, NAAC Accredited - 'B'
Mission & Vision


A temple of learning whose motto is the dissemination of knowledge for awakening and ever widening of the frontiers of human consciousness to to evolve human resources for all-round development of a dynamic social order. Like a lighthouse with its ever burning torch of knowledge, it can guide the rural youth in proper paths to arrive at their life's goal. As a center of Higher Education, it is committed to eradicate age-old superstition, taboos and prejudices, giving way to scientific rationalism, liberal humanism and compassionate universal brotherhood.


1. To set up a temple of learning in a rural and agrarian background to spread higher education.
2. To create scope for higher education at a low cost for children. of rural people who are socially, economically and intellectually backward.
3. To materialize the dream of imparting co-education to the rural boys and girls, to bring up futuristic citizens of our country.
4. To enlighten the young minds like a burning torch can drive away ignorance and superstition, with rational outlook and scientific temper.
5. To impart proper training to the young minds to enable them to think freely, to think new things and to make beautiful things for the upliftment of our society.
6. To encourage and promote the quality of proper leadership keeping in view with the challenges of time and social responsibilities in the national perspective.